How Tabs Chocolate Generated $11M in 18 Months with Influencer Marketing

How this Brand Generated $11M in 18 Months with Influencer Marketing Walking the tightrope between audacity and genius, Tabs Chocolate, founded by the youthful and ambitious Oliver, has carved out an $11 million niche in the confectionery market in just 18 months. Launched with no initial followers and propelled by a masterful TikTok strategy, Tabs has not only redefined marketing norms but also set a new benchmark for how brands can achieve explosive growth through influencer marketing. A Viral Product by Design At its inception, Tabs Chocolate was not just another chocolate brand; it was a product engineered to go viral. Understanding the power of controversy and conversation on social media, Oliver chose "mood-enhancing" chocolate, a product that naturally piqued curiosity and encouraged sharing. This wasn't about passion for chocolate or an infatuation with its mood-enhancing properties—it was a calculated decision to market a product with intrinsic viral potential. Leveraging TikTok for Exponential Growth TikTok Strategy: Oliver's background in viral marketing and his deep understanding of TikTok's mechanics allowed him to reverse-engineer a strategy for success. The goal was simple: create content that would leverage the platform's algorithm for maximum organic reach and engagement. The key, however, was the follow-up—utilizing TikTok's "responding to comments" feature for a strategic retargeting effect that transformed viewers into customers. The Content Loop: The initial viral videos served as the hook, drawing in vast audiences with high top-of-funnel brand awareness. The real magic happened in the subsequent videos, which drove the conversions. By responding to comments from the original viral video, Tabs was able to retarget viewers, directly addressing their curiosity and guiding them down the funnel toward purchase. The Secret Sauce: Authentic Influencer Collaborations Choosing the Right Voices: Tabs Chocolate's influencer strategy was anything but random. Oliver sought out creators who not only resonated with the brand's unique identity but who were also genuine proponents of its value proposition. This authenticity translated into content that felt personal, relatable, and trustworthy to viewers. A Community of Creators: Rather than rely on a few high-profile influencers, Tabs Chocolate built a diverse network of TikTok creators. This inclusive approach ensured a steady stream of varied, engaging content that appealed to a broad audience, maximizing the brand's reach and resonance on the platform. This allowed Oliver to scale the operations to $11M by having each creator on an affiliate program. Replicating Tabs Chocolate's Strategy on Omni For brands aiming to mirror the viral success of Tabs Chocolate, Omni offers an ideal platform to craft and execute a winning influencer marketing strategy. Influencer Matchmaking: With Omni, brands can effortlessly find and partner with creators who embody their vision, ensuring every piece of content is authentic and aligned with the brand's identity. Content Strategy and Analytics: Omni's sophisticated analytics tools enable brands to track the performance of each piece of content and influencer collaboration, providing invaluable insights into what works and what doesn't. This data-driven approach allows for continuous optimization of content strategy, ensuring sustained viral success. Engagement and Community Building: Omni facilitates deep engagement between brands and their audiences, empowering them to build active communities around their products. Through targeted campaigns and strategic content creation, brands can foster loyalty and advocacy among their followers. A Blueprint for Success Tabs Chocolate's journey from a novel idea to an $11 million brand is a testament to the power of innovative influencer marketing and the viral potential of social media platforms like TikTok. By prioritizing authenticity, strategic content creation, and leveraging the unique features of TikTok for retargeting and engagement, Tabs has set a new standard for how brands can achieve rapid growth in the digital age. Through Omni, similar strategies can be streamlined and scaled, offering brands the tools and insights needed to replicate Tabs Chocolate's remarkable success. In the fast-evolving world of digital marketing, Tabs Chocolate stands as a beacon for brands aspiring to turn viral moments into lasting success. Want to apply this influencer marketing strategy inside your ecommerce brand? Get Started Now - with our Tab's Chocolate Campaign Template.